GDAP Current Projects

With a focus on establishing consistency, GDAP oversees a number of assessments of key parameters related to Earth’s energy and water cycles as well as the development of a GEWEX Integrated Product that incorporates several previously supported energy and water flux datasets into a long-term product on a common grid for energy and water cycle closure studies GDAP also sponsors ground-based observing networks that provide high-quality, calibrated, observations for evaluating satellite data sets.



International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project – Next Generation (ISCCP-NG)

GDAP is also coordinating the formation of a new international effort to advance the next-generation International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP). The goal of the ISCCP-NG effort will be to maintain continuity of the ISCCP while developing new global cloud products that exploit the increased spatial and temporal resolution, spectral diversity, and improved calibration afforded by advanced geostationary imagers to support new research and applications.

Through a series of workshops, GDAP is facilitating the gathering of international community input to maximize the benefits of the ISCCP-NG product for meeting user needs.

For a review of the first 40 years of ISCCP, view the History of the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project report. It covers the planning and inception of ISCCP and its evolution, including two version updates.


Guide to Conducting Data Set Quality Assessments
Data Set Quality Assessments: Needs, Benefits, Best Practices and Governance – December 2015

This document addresses the need for systematic assessments of the quality of data sets used in various applications such as climate services and climate science, including their use in the evaluation of climate model performance.

Ongoing Assessments

New Integrated Assessments

International GEWEX Project Office
111 Research Hall, Mail Stop 6C5
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030 USA

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