
Workshop Theme

The broad field of flood disaster science and engineering is making important strides in addressing the consequences, impacts, and societal challenges of flooding in the face of growing stressors and uncertainties. As science advances, flood research continues to evolve in its own unique way to address science, engineering, and societal multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary challenges. The 2023 Flood Crosscutting Initiative virtual meeting will focus on a new and concise roadmap for synthesizing the research outcomes and opportunities around identified focus areas. Please join us in sharing your discoveries, perspectives, and inspirations in flood disaster science and engineering as we continue to build toward a more resilient and sustainable global community for all.

The workshop will enable a community-driven approach to answering important research questions such as:

The exploration of these questions by a diverse group of participants will yield a roadmap for possible future research opportunities around identified focus areas.

International GEWEX Project Office
111 Research Hall, Mail Stop 6C5
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030 USA

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