PhD and Post-Doc Summer Research School: Observing and Modelling the Artic Environment – Climate processes, prediction and projection

September 8, 2019 – September 13, 2019 all-day
Nansen International Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NIERSC)
St. Petersburg

The aim of this research school is to provide students with an overview of state-of the-art research in the Arctic from observations through process understanding and model development to application. The research school will have five sessions addressing:

  1. Observational capabilities: including in-situ measurements and satellite remote sensing, field campaigns and operational resources;
  2. Dynamics of the Arctic environment: what we know about the most important processes and how we include them in climate models;
  3. Surface coupling: a review of the multitude of surface coupling processes in the Arctic and current approaches to integrating this understanding in models at different scales;
  4. Climateprojectionandprediction:anthropogenically-forcedandnaturalclimatechangeintheArctic, perspective from the 21st century and opportunities with climate prediction;
  5. Modelling for Arctic applications: using climate model results in other domains with examples from simulating marine primary production, future shipping routes, and other industrial activities in ice covered waters.

International GEWEX Project Office
111 Research Hall, Mail Stop 6C5
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030 USA

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