Baltic Sea Science Congress 2023

August 21, 2023 – August 25, 2023 all-day
Scandic Marina Congress Center

The purpose of the Baltic Sea Science Congress 2023 is to bring together scientists working on issues related to the Baltic Sea Region to present the most recent research and to discuss status, trends and the future of the Baltic Sea as well as future research needs.
The special focus of the BSSC will be towards the implementation of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Sciences (UNDOS) objectives related to the Baltic Sea research.

The Baltic Sea Science Congress 2023 is a part of the Finnish National Implementation Plan for the UN Decade of Ocean Science. The Congress is also a part of Finnish Presidency program (2023–2024) of the Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS).

For detailed information and abstract submission visit the official meeting website

International GEWEX Project Office
111 Research Hall, Mail Stop 6C5
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030 USA

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