11th Session WWRP Scientific Steering Committee (WWRP SSC11)

October 15, 2018 – October 18, 2018 all-day
WMO Headquarters
Avenue de la Paix
1202 Genève

WWRP advances society’s ability to cope with high impact weather through research focused on improving the accuracy, lead time and utilization of weather prediction. The WWRP includes working groups, expert team. The function of the Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) provides the overall scientific guidance for the programme, identifies priorities and makes recommendations on new projects for the WWRP, such as High Impact Weather, Polar Prediction, Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction, Forecast and Research Demonstration (FDPs and RDPs).

International GEWEX Project Office
111 Research Hall, Mail Stop 6C5
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, VA 22030 USA


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